I-REC: What is an I-REC?
"An I-REC is a unique statement representing the environmental attributes associated with a specific MWh of electricity produced, including any avoided emissions, carbon offsets or similar market instrument that might [...]
"An I-REC is a unique statement representing the environmental attributes associated with a specific MWh of electricity produced, including any avoided emissions, carbon offsets or similar market instrument that might [...]
"The GO system for thermal and electric energy from renewable energy sources (GO-FER) derives from Directive 2009/28 / EC, of 23 April, on the promotion of the use of energy [...]
"Guarantees of Origin (GO) are electronic certificates that are intended to prove to the final consumer the share or amount of energy from a certain source through a certain technology, [...]
"A Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a market-based instrument that certifies the bearer owns one megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity generated from a renewable energy resource." Source: https://a.pgtb.me/hSSlgV
"The Electric Industry Law (LIE) defines in its article 3, section VIII, the Clean Energy Certificates (CEL) as that title issued by the Energy Regulatory Commission (the Commission) that accredits [...]
"Since CELs are a market instrument, their price is not fixed, but depends on supply and demand; Market Participants may submit offers to sell CEL at any price, as well [...]
Those technologies that are considered clean as defined in Article 3, section XXII of the LIE, namely: Wind; Solar radiation, in all its forms; The oceanic energy in its different [...]
"No, in the new regulatory framework each MWh generated with clean energy receives a CEL regardless of the technology with which it was generated. In the case of technologies that [...]
"Article 123 of the LIE states that they are the Suppliers; Qualified Users Participating in the Market; the End Users supplied by the isolated supply; as well as the holders [...]
"Yes, CELs can be acquired voluntarily for which it is required to be registered as a Voluntary Entity within the System. A voluntary entity may also market these CELs. The [...]