“The GO system for thermal and electric energy from renewable energy sources (GO-FER) derives from Directive 2009/28 / EC, of ​​23 April, on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources. On the other hand, Directive 2004/8 / EC, of ​​11 February, on the promotion of cogeneration based on the demand for useful heat in the internal energy market, also provides GO for high-efficiency cogeneration (GO-COGER ).

These European Directives have been transposed into the domestic legal order of Portugal by several national diplomas from which they stand out:

for GO-FER,

  • Decree-Law 141/2010 of December 31, which transposes Directive 2009/28 / EC, establishes the GO-FER and the respective EEGO;
  • Decree-Law 39/2013 of 18 April, which (among other matters) reviews the GO-FER system and republishes Decree-Law 141/2010;
  • Decree-Law 153/2014, of October 20, which specifies the treatment of GO-FER in production activities for self-consumption and small production;


  • Decree-Law 23/2010 of 25 March, which transposes Directive 2004/8 / EC and establishes the existence of GO-COGER and certificates of origin for efficient cogeneration (CO), and the respective EEGO;
  • Decree-Law 68-A / 2015 of 30 April, which again addresses GO-COGER and CO.

In Portugal, Law No. 71/2018, of December 31 (State Budget for 2019), places the Issuing Entity of Guarantees of Origin (EEGO) in the concessionaire of the National Electricity Transport Network, through its Article 238 which made changes to Decree-Law no. 23/2010, of 25 March, and in Decree-Law no. 141/2010, of 31 December.

The supervision of EEGO’s activity is carried out by ENSE – National Entity for the Energy Sector. The Price List of EEGO is approved by the Secretary of State for Energy, with the opinion of ERSE. The EEGO Procedures Manual is approved by DGEG, with the opinion of ENSE.” Source: http://www.dgeg.gov.pt/pagina.aspx?js=0&codigono=63638824AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA