Within different ECAs systems it is possible to transfer EACs from the country of production to the country of consumption (from one national registry to the other) and redeem the EACs for the end consumer located within the geographical boundary of the registry. I.e. an industrial client located in Austria can buy EACs produced in Norway (well – in this case: GOs/GOOs) and have them redeemed. But what about other countries and systems?

  • First of all – one can source from the same market/country as the company is located (CDP and I-REC) – which means: same country of production and consumption – which is not mandatory, there are always the following steps:
  • Source from the neighboring grid interconnected countries, but keep in mind:
  • Source from the countries connected to your EACs system (i.e. Iceland is not grid connected to the mainland EU, but still a very valid member of the EECS system and therefore equal to all others)
  • If there are no established systems for EACs registries to register a power plant in a country and if there are no neighboring countries (either grid on non-grid connected) to the production location, a solution can be found within the rules of different EACs systems and GHG systems, like RE100, GHG protocol and other