“No, in the new regulatory framework each MWh generated with clean energy receives a CEL regardless of the technology with which it was generated. In the case of technologies that use clean and fossil energies, only CEL will be awarded for each MWh generated multiplied by the percentage of fuel-free energy – this percentage will be determined according to the methodology established for this purpose by the Commission.
The Distributed Clean Generation shall be entitled to the number of CELs for each MWh generated without the use of fossil fuels, or multiplied by the percentage of fuel-free energy as applicable, divided by the Percentage of Energy Delivered. Said Percentage of Energy Delivered is defined as the total electrical energy consumed in the Load Centers and in the Load Points, divided by the total electrical energy generated in the Power Plants in the previous year, calculated by CENACE. These CELs will be marketed through the Supplier that represents each Clean Power Plant.”
Source: https://www.gob.mx/cre/articulos/preguntas-frecuentes-sobre-los-certificados-de-energias-limpias