According to I-RECS, the registry software is scheduled to be upgraded in 2019. “Whilst most of the processes for existing users are largely unchanged, there will be a different look and feel to the new registry. In particular, the handling of device registrations and redemptions are changing.” The new software will be released in the next few weeks, “complete with the current data, for training purposes only. Live operation will remain with the existing software until February, with additional functionality to assign beneficiaries for redemptions being introduced from 1 January” 2020.

I-RECS will inform the user, when the new registry is released for training, online training will also be available in advance of the Go Live date. I-RECS ” … will add the ability for participants to maintain their own beneficiary (client) list for inclusion on redemption statements from the beginning of 2020. These beneficiary lists are specific to each participant and so no other market player will be able to see them.” Source: I-RECS email, 13.11.2019 to I-RECS registry user